water efficiency

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For industry and agriculture sector, water efficiency means reduction or optimisation of water consumption for a particular process. This is seen as water consumption rate or better known as water footprint. Water footprint helps us to determine water consumption for many sectors. This is a better demand management and cross-cutting to all sectors. For example, we use 140 liter of water to produce 1 cup of coffee, 184 liter of water for 1kg of tomato, 1000 liter of water for 1 liter of cow milk and 20,000 liter of water to produce 1 laptop. Both industrial and agriculture sector can be more water efficient and reduce high dependency on water strategically through these water footprint values.

World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends only 165 liter/capita/day for domestic consumption. This means domestic consumers can use up to 5 cubic meters a month per person. For example, if there are 5 people in a family, the sustainable water consumption should be within 25 cubic meters. Now, you should start calculating your water consumption!














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